My Story Of Transformation
Here’s how I, a frustrated & underpaid office worker, went from $50K+ debt to building my dream business & traveling the world with my family (and how you can do the same!)
You won’t believe how simple this is…

Hi, it's Alex Ford here, from the beautiful Perth, Australia.
It wasn’t too long ago that I was living an unfulfilling life…
I was more broke than a homeless person on the street (in $50K+ debt), and I was working a frustrating job where I would often argue with my boss. 😩
I also felt like I was only working to pay an ever-expanding amount of debt off and my life was exactly the same routine week in, week out.
Isn’t that an all too familiar story?
How many people do you know who are either:
• Broke, unhappy, and unfulfilled
• Living paycheck to paycheck
• Buried under soul-crushing debt
• Feel like they’re working to build someone else’s dreams
• Can’t enjoy life because they feel restricted
Well, that was exactly my life at the time!
I remember one Monday morning I was sitting at my desk and beating myself up because again I had spent more money on the weekend than my last paycheck was worth, getting the extra money out of my credit card…
And here I was at work starting my weekly routine all over again. 😰
I’d had enough…and I remember crying out:
“Please God, I want out of this. Show me the way out!”
A few weeks later, and almost as if my prayer (more like a cry for help) had been answered…
I discovered the online business industry and that you can actually make money online and quit your 9-5 job!
At first, I was a little skeptical…
But after seeing how thousands of people were making $1000 per week working from home, had quit their 9-5's and created the life of their dreams…
…I knew it was for me!
Plus, it seemed to tick every box:
✔️ It was a way to fire my boss for good
✔️ It would allow me to travel the world with no restrictions
✔️ It was something I would love doing
✔️ It was 100% flexible, so I could spend time doing the things I love
✔️ I wouldn’t have to leave home for work ever again
My eyes were truly opened to what was possible…
There WAS a better way! 💥
Fast forward to today… I’m no longer chained to an office desk, I’m totally debt free, I've retired my wife, and I’m finally able to travel the world with my family and take our business with us.
If you've had enough of slaving away just to build someone else’s dreams, and you want to get YOUR life back…
I want to share with you my FREE eBook where you'll learn:
▶ How to Build a Highly Profitable Online Business In Your Spare Time!
▶ How to Make More Money Working From Home Than Your Full-Time Job
▶ How to Build a Recession Proof Business That Thrives In Any Economy
▶ How To Quit Your Job In The Next 3 to 6 Months!
And that’s not all…
I'll show you how to get access to the same $7 course that taught me everything I know about making money online… so YOU can create the same level of success!
Can't wait to hear how well it works for you too!
All the best,

Alex Ford
Digital Marketing Trainer
Email: [email protected]
Have Questions? – Ask me on Facebook
P.S. Do You Have a Proven Step-By-Step Blueprint to Make Money Online? If Not, Check This Out (Unless You’ve Already Got Too Much Money) – Click Here For Instant Access
Submit a Comment

Hi Alex,
Great Story! And congratulations! It really sounds like you made some huge changes to change your life!
Thanks Aussie Mummy! Glad you enjoyed my story 🙂 I sure have and it's been an incredible journey!
Wow Alex,
Every time I read about a success story online, I feel re-inspired to go out there and help more people grow, to show them how to change their lives today, its mind boggling how a mind change can change your whole life. I am sure there were moments you had doubts, when things didn't go as sweet and when you could have thrown in the towel, but heck NO YOU DIDN'T! Bravo and keep on sharing the value you do.
A lot of people simply don't take that chance and never know what could have been possible, the possibilities I know are endless, if we but believe! The LOA does work…
Glad my story inspired you Julie! And your comment made me chuckle because YES, there were TONS of moments where I almost threw in the towel haha. But it's at those moments where you realise how bad you want something and if you really do love what you do then you keep going no matter what to make it happen.
I agree with you that a lot of people don't take chances… but that's fine because it leaves more opportunity for those who do 🙂
Thanks for your awesome comment Julie! Love it 🙂
Boom, I loved that video Alex. Excited for you bro
Cheers Steve 🙂
hey Alex, what a lovely story (and that littly cuttie in the video). So great to hear that others are able to make a success of their online business as it just opens up so many doors for one.
Thank you Diane… we're so blessed to have her! And yes, it's SO SO POSSIBLE for anyone 🙂
Hey Alex, this is a GREAT story. 50k in debt to home business freedom. Just awesome! You never know who can impact someones life, go Lee Anne!
Absolutely Jeff! And Lee Anne has heard from me like a million times how grateful I am to her for introducing me to this opportunity. And I love that I can do the same for others now too!
Love your story Alex — very inspirational. From $50k in debt to living the life of your dreams. Wow! Good on you!
Thanks Carol! Anything is possible 🙂
Great story. Thanks for the inspiration.
Thank you Karishma 🙂 Glad you were inspired!
Congratulations! You were able to ascend to that level most people just dream of.
Thanks Gomer! It's funny how most people only dream of it. But it's possible if they only decide to create a better life 🙂
Great brother… I really respect you.. Really love your story.. and i really really wishing to become a successful person like you.I will.. definitely if god wish.You said right money give us the choices..
Hi Asif, so happy that my story has inspired you 🙂 Just keep holding onto your vision and keep learning from successful people (books, audios, seminars, mentors) and you will get there in due time! And let me tell you… God does want you to be successful. He's created an abundant universe and, as his child, prosperity is your inheritance from him.
Thanks for your comment and welcome to my blog, Asif 🙂
Hey Alex, AWESOME JOB MAN! THE SITE LOOKS GREAT! Using Divi myself, and i gotta tell you it's amazing what you did!
Your story is Really powerful man, keep up the great work!
Tons of value here bro!
Very Inspirational!
David Fox
Hey David, really appreciate the AWESOME words 🙂
Yep, we've certainly been through so much! But it all served a purpose, and I'm excited to help others create their own success now 🙂
Thanks for the comment!
looking forward to meeting you Alex on Saturday…love your blog and site
Hey Annie, thank you 🙂 I won't be attending Kickstart on Saturday as I have an important family event to attend this weekend. Would love to have come! But I'll definitely be going to the next one. Have fun 🙂
Great testimony Alex, and you are doing great mate. Videos are knowledgable. Very resourceful web site indeed Alex. I am aiming something but i havent take the plunge yet and your story is awesome. Good on ya.
Hey Oscar, thanks for your comment. I'm glad that my story has inspired you!
And that's awesome that you have dreams as well. Just take massive action and stay committed until they become a reality. YOU GOT THIS!